Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Ocean Falls
The town of Ocean Falls has a fascinating but somewhat sorrowful history. Once Ocean Falls was a thriving community of 5000 inhabitants with the Province's second largest mill and a source of hydroelectric power to supply electricity to surrounding communities. In the 1970s the owner of the mill closed down operations, the Province attempted to take over but also gave up and the town was mostly abandoned. Quaint homes nestled in a gorgeous mountain setting with a tennis club, olympic swimming pool and terraced alpine gardens were bulldozed under.  At least most homes were destroyed before the remaining inhabitants stood in front of the dozers to prevent the total destruction of all buildings...and so Ocean Falls was left.  Half destroyed, mostly abandoned and soon decaying in the harsh BC coastal environment. Now a few folks eke out a living by supporting a modest cruising destination as well as providing food and lodging for loggers working in the area...and there is the dam to operate which still supports the communities of Bella Bella and Shearwater. I am fairly certain, if not already done, there is a rich opportunity for a documentary piece on the past present and future of Ocean Falls.

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